What to review in your Marketing Plan

Get head with our 10 easy-to-follow steps to help with your marketing planning to achieve your business goals in 2025.

goals, plans and actions. What to review in marketing planning

Looking at your marketing planning, we review what you need to consider as part of your marketing planning to make 2025 even better for your hair business. We’ve got ten simple steps to help.

September is a great time for planning.  It’s often thought of as a time for new beginnings with the start of school year and a chance to refresh your goals and objectives.  But with Salon International looming and your busiest time of year ahead, now is the chance for your hair business to think ahead.

1) Book time out in your calendar to collate useful marketing insights and then time for the planning meetings.  We recommend heading out of the office to avoid being disturbed and to focus more.  

2) Review your customer feedback both good and bad to learn what they really think.   You could also conduct some short surveys on Social Media Stories or via a Survey.  Talk to your team for their input and ‘on the ground’ feedback as they are the first point of contact with many of your customers.  Try running some Chat GPT questions to gain more useful insights into your target audience’s needs.

3) Collate your insights for all your marketing activities and review what worked well and maybe what you would like to improve for next time. Our previous blog has the key metrics you should monitor here.

Planning Meeting

4) Evaluate your ideal client’s persona to ensure your messaging is effective. Who are they, where are they, what are they like, what are their problems?

5) Define your goals and set your marketing objectives.  Keep these SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely).

6) Create your KPIs that will keep track of your goals and create the spreadsheet to start recording these.

7) Get creative with your marketing. Think about the channels you will use to communicate, your campaign ideas, and if you want to try a new marketing activity such as an event.  It’s time to have some fun and think outside the box to inspire your stylists and salon owners.

8) Write up the plan to confirm the marketing activities planned, timescales and the key messaging you want to use.

Additional Work

9) Set your budgets to help you track spend and where best to use your money for. Don’t forget to add a contingency just to be safe.

10) Team meetings to share any new strategies and explain how they can help contribute to the business goals.

There’s no need to stress about planning your marketing by following these simple steps. If you would like more support on planning or executing your plans, get in touch to tell us more about your amazing hair business.

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